Tuesday 24 January 2017

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 7

Planning and shooting comparison.
You can clearly see how far my paling and preparation has improved from the beginning with my preliminary task, to now with my final film opening. When shooting my prelim task I was extremely unorganised and only produced one small story board that wasn't in as much depth as it needed to be. This lead to a lack of quality and confidence in the completion, shooting variety and sequence of the preliminary task. A second issue is that we didn't plan our shots so this resulted in having to go back and fill the gaps we had missed. This was unfortunate as this crucial time should have been put towards editing the footage. The shooting quality of my work has improved as well. I learnt how to properly handle the camera and position it onto the tripod to be able to access the full range of shots we wanted to use in our final film opening.

Camera shots 

After comparing both final edits of our preliminary and our film opening, it is clear how the camera shots of  'School Musical High' are very limited and consists of many 'blemishes' in the quality and variety of shots. However this show how excellent planning of camera angels has a positive effect on the outcome of our final film opening.  

Editing Progression 

Before starting media, i did not even know what premier pro was at all. My knowledge of editing was next to nothing and had never even made a video before other than that on a smartphone. After a few practices using random clips. my skills using premier have come so far and my love for editing has grown. Ive learnt how to implant audio and visual effects  into clips and add text which i used to implant the titles to our final film opening. 

Problems, weaknesses and Strengths

The problems that I encountered with my prelim task were that the audio and the videos of me 'fake sining' didn't always match up. But in our final film opening our team had no problems because we had planned so effectively. Our team didn't really have any weaknesses as we all worked well and split the tasks up equally, resulting in effective use of our time. The strengths of our team were that we included many different camera angles and shots in the film. This added individuality and a uniqueness to our film as other preliminary tasks did not have as many creative shots in them.